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Are you concentrating on “writing well” instead of creating a story?

Your words may indeed be beautiful, but without a story there's no sense of urgency, no drive, no story logic. And so you may be thinking of giving up, or at least taking a nice long nap and starting again when you’re rested, or when the time is right, or when Mercury is out of retrograde – which basically translates to: a week from never.

Don't give up on telling your story!

Here are the tools you’ll need to become a Story Genius:



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"a reader's manifesto: 15 hardwired expectations every reader has for every story"

I love Story Genius! You completely changed the way I write and you’ve made it a million times more fun. And easier. I was making things happen rather than having my main character make them happen so the whole thing was becoming a bit of a struggle and a big, fat mess. Thank you!
— Louisa Hamilton White